RiverBench (2.0.0)
RiverBench is an open, community-driven RDF streaming benchmark suite. It includes a varied collection of datasets representing many RDF streaming use cases. The datasets can be used for benchmarking and testing of streaming and non-streaming RDF engines, compression algorithms, triple stores, and other tools.
- Documentation – how to use the datasets, how to contribute, and more.
- Datasets – packaged and tested datasets, ready to use.
- Benchmarks – benchmark task descriptions, along with applicable profiles (collections of datasets).
- Schemas & ontologies – schemas for the metadata of datasets, benchmark tasks, and other resources in RiverBench.
- Citing RiverBench and its datasets
- Code on GitHub
- Paper about RiverBench (preprint)
- RDF Stream Taxonomy (RDF-STaX) – the vocabulary used for describing stream types.
Do you want to contribute YOUR dataset to RiverBench? See the contribution guide.
Download this metadata in RDF: Turtle, N-Triples, RDF/XML, Jelly
A complete dump of all metadata in RiverBench is also available: Turtle, N-Triples, RDF/XML, Jelly
General information
- Has version: 2.0.0
- Rights: The metadata, documentation, and ontologies of RiverBench are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. The source code of RiverBench is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. The included datasets are licensed under their respective free licenses, listed in their documentation pages. (en)
- Homepage: RiverBench (2.0.0)
- Theme taxonomy: EuroVoc (eurovoc:100141)
- Has benchmark category:
- Has dataset:
- assist-iot-weather (1.0.1)
- assist-iot-weather-graphs (1.0.1)
- citypulse-traffic (1.0.1)
- citypulse-traffic-graphs (1.0.1)
- dbpedia-live (1.0.1)
- digital-agenda-indicators (1.0.1)
- linked-spending (1.0.1)
- lod-katrina (1.0.1)
- muziekweb (1.0.1)
- nanopubs (1.0.1)
- politiquices (1.0.1)
- yago-annotated-facts (1.0.1)