Grouped RDF streaming
Benchmark category of generic tasks involving grouped RDF streams (elements are either RDF graphs or RDF datasets). This includes streaming throughput and latency benchmarks.
Benchmark tasks
Below you will find a list of tasks that are part of this benchmark category.
Benchmark tasks and profiles in RiverBench have machine-readable metadata in RDF. You can find RDF download links for each profile on its documentation page. You can also use the HTTP content negotiation mechanism.
Task name | Identifier | Description |
Grouped RDF stream compression | stream-compression |
A benchmark task measuring the compression efficiency of serializations for grouped RDF streams. |
Grouped streaming deserialization throughput | stream-deserialization-throughput |
A benchmark task measuring the throughput of deserializing a grouped RDF stream (that is, a stream in which the elements are either RDF graphs or RDF datasets) from a byte stream to memory. |
End-to-end streaming latency | stream-latency-end-to-end |
A benchmark task measuring the latency of streaming elements in a grouped RDF stream over the network, including serialization, network communication, and deserialization. |
Grouped RDF stream serialization throughput | stream-serialization-throughput |
A benchmark task measuring the throughput of serializing a grouped RDF stream (that is, a stream in which the elements are either RDF graphs or RDF datasets). |
End-to-end streaming throughput | stream-throughput-end-to-end |
A benchmark task measuring the throughput of streaming elements in a grouped RDF stream over the network, including serialization, network communication, and deserialization. |
Benchmark profiles
Profiles in RiverBench group datasets that share common technical characteristics. For example, whether the datasets consist of triples or quads, if they use RDF-star, etc. The profiles are intended to be used in benchmarks to compare the performance of different systems on a well-defined collection of datasets.
See the quick start guide for more information on how to use the profiles, tasks, and datasets.
General information
- Title: Grouped RDF streaming (en)
- Identifier:
- Has version: 2.0.0
- In suite: RiverBench (2.0.0)
- Conforms To: Metadata (
- Has benchmark task:
- Has benchmark profile:
- stream-datasets (2.0.0)
- stream-datasets-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-datasets-rdfstar (2.0.0)
- stream-datasets-rdfstar-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-graphs (2.0.0)
- stream-graphs-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-graphs-rdfstar (2.0.0)
- stream-graphs-rdfstar-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-mixed (2.0.0)
- stream-mixed-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-mixed-rdfstar (2.0.0)
- stream-mixed-rdfstar-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-named-graphs (2.0.0)
- stream-named-graphs-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-named-graphs-rdfstar (2.0.0)
- stream-named-graphs-rdfstar-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-subject-graphs (2.0.0)
- stream-subject-graphs-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-subject-graphs-rdfstar (2.0.0)
- stream-subject-graphs-rdfstar-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-ts-named-graphs (2.0.0)
- stream-ts-named-graphs-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-ts-named-graphs-rdfstar (2.0.0)
- stream-ts-named-graphs-rdfstar-nonstandard (2.0.0)