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assist-iot-weather (1.0.1)

This is a timestamped stream of weather data collected with a Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station installed on the building of the Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences. The data was collected during the ASSIST-IoT Horizon 2020 project. The station measured several different weather parameters and transmitted them in real time at regular intervals. The measurements have rich annotations with the SOSA/SSN and OM 2.0 ontologies. The stream is very regular and the elements only differ by numeric values and timestamps.

The dataset is a real application of RDF streaming (originally streamed over MQTT), with much richer annotations than citypulse-traffic. On the other hand, it is perfectly regular, with no differences in structure between stream elements.


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Source repository: assist-iot-weather

Stream preview (click to expand)
@prefix aiot:      <> .
@prefix aiot_p2:   <> .
@prefix geosparql: <> .
@prefix om:        <> .
@prefix pilot:     <> .
@prefix rdfs:      <> .
@prefix sosa:      <> .
@prefix ssn:       <> .
@prefix xsd:       <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "0.0"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            aiot_p2:inchPerHour;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a           sosa:FeatureOfInterest;
        rdfs:label  "Outside conditions on the worksite" .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "54.4"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:degreeFahrenheit;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:AverageWindSpeed;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                geosparql:Geometry;
        geosparql:asWKT  "Point(20.9403853 52.2455635)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , om:RelativeHumidity;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:SolarIrradiance;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "3"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:mile-StatutePerHour;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:UvIndex;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "0"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:wattPerSquareMetre;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "71"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:percent;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:AtmosphericPressure;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "30.651"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            aiot_p2:inchHg;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                      sosa:Sensor;
        rdfs:label             "Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station installed on the pilot site";
        geosparql:hasGeometry  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:WindDirection;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "4"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:mile-StatutePerHour;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:WindSpeed;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , om:FahrenheitTemperature;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:RainRate;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "0"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:one;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "224"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:degree;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .
@prefix aiot:      <> .
@prefix aiot_p2:   <> .
@prefix geosparql: <> .
@prefix om:        <> .
@prefix pilot:     <> .
@prefix rdfs:      <> .
@prefix sosa:      <> .
@prefix ssn:       <> .
@prefix xsd:       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a           sosa:FeatureOfInterest;
        rdfs:label  "Outside conditions on the worksite" .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "30.651"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            aiot_p2:inchHg;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:AverageWindSpeed;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "4"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:mile-StatutePerHour;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                geosparql:Geometry;
        geosparql:asWKT  "Point(20.9403853 52.2455635)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , om:RelativeHumidity;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:SolarIrradiance;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:UvIndex;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "0"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:one;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "247"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:degree;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:AtmosphericPressure;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "0.0"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            aiot_p2:inchPerHour;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "54.4"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:degreeFahrenheit;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "71"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:percent;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                      sosa:Sensor;
        rdfs:label             "Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station installed on the pilot site";
        geosparql:hasGeometry  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:WindDirection;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:WindSpeed;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "3"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:mile-StatutePerHour;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , om:FahrenheitTemperature;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:RainRate;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "0"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:wattPerSquareMetre;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .
@prefix aiot:      <> .
@prefix aiot_p2:   <> .
@prefix geosparql: <> .
@prefix om:        <> .
@prefix pilot:     <> .
@prefix rdfs:      <> .
@prefix sosa:      <> .
@prefix ssn:       <> .
@prefix xsd:       <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "54.2"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:degreeFahrenheit;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a           sosa:FeatureOfInterest;
        rdfs:label  "Outside conditions on the worksite" .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:AverageWindSpeed;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                geosparql:Geometry;
        geosparql:asWKT  "Point(20.9403853 52.2455635)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "0"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:wattPerSquareMetre;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , om:RelativeHumidity;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:SolarIrradiance;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "72"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:percent;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:UvIndex;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "4"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:mile-StatutePerHour;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:AtmosphericPressure;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "3"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:mile-StatutePerHour;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                      sosa:Sensor;
        rdfs:label             "Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station installed on the pilot site";
        geosparql:hasGeometry  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:WindDirection;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "0"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:one;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:WindSpeed;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "265"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:degree;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , om:FahrenheitTemperature;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "30.656"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            aiot_p2:inchHg;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "0.0"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            aiot_p2:inchPerHour;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:RainRate;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .
@prefix aiot:      <> .
@prefix aiot_p2:   <> .
@prefix geosparql: <> .
@prefix om:        <> .
@prefix pilot:     <> .
@prefix rdfs:      <> .
@prefix sosa:      <> .
@prefix ssn:       <> .
@prefix xsd:       <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "8"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:mile-StatutePerHour;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a           sosa:FeatureOfInterest;
        rdfs:label  "Outside conditions on the worksite" .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "9"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:mile-StatutePerHour;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:AverageWindSpeed;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                geosparql:Geometry;
        geosparql:asWKT  "Point(20.9403853 52.2455635)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , om:RelativeHumidity;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:SolarIrradiance;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "0"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:one;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "282"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:degree;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:UvIndex;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "30.646"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            aiot_p2:inchHg;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "0.0"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            aiot_p2:inchPerHour;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:AtmosphericPressure;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "52.2"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:degreeFahrenheit;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:WindDirection;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                      sosa:Sensor;
        rdfs:label             "Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station installed on the pilot site";
        geosparql:hasGeometry  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:WindSpeed;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , om:FahrenheitTemperature;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "0"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:wattPerSquareMetre;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:RainRate;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "76"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:percent;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .
@prefix aiot:      <> .
@prefix aiot_p2:   <> .
@prefix geosparql: <> .
@prefix om:        <> .
@prefix pilot:     <> .
@prefix rdfs:      <> .
@prefix sosa:      <> .
@prefix ssn:       <> .
@prefix xsd:       <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "30.966"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            aiot_p2:inchHg;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a           sosa:FeatureOfInterest;
        rdfs:label  "Outside conditions on the worksite" .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:AverageWindSpeed;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "0"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:one;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                geosparql:Geometry;
        geosparql:asWKT  "Point(20.9403853 52.2455635)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , om:RelativeHumidity;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:SolarIrradiance;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "0.0"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            aiot_p2:inchPerHour;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:UvIndex;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "39.1"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:degreeFahrenheit;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "80"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:percent;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:AtmosphericPressure;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "3"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:mile-StatutePerHour;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "0"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:wattPerSquareMetre;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:WindDirection;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "5"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:mile-StatutePerHour;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                      sosa:Sensor;
        rdfs:label             "Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station installed on the pilot site";
        geosparql:hasGeometry  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:WindSpeed;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , om:FahrenheitTemperature;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                 sosa:ObservableProperty , aiot_p2:RainRate;
        ssn:isPropertyOf  <> .

        a                     aiot:MeasureResult;
        om:hasNumericalValue  "289"^^xsd:float;
        om:hasUnit            om:degree;
        sosa:isResultOf       <> .

        a                          sosa:Observation;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest  <>;
        sosa:madeBySensor          <>;
        sosa:observedProperty      <>;
        sosa:resultTime            "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .

General information

Technical metadata


Full stream distribution

Full Jelly distribution

Full flat distribution

100K elements stream distribution

100K elements Jelly distribution

100K elements flat distribution

10K elements stream distribution

10K elements Jelly distribution

10K elements flat distribution


Statistics for full distributions

  • Title: Statistics for full distributions
Sum Unique Mean St. dev. Min. Max.
IRIs 45,583,070 12,624,089 65.00 0.00 65 65
Blank nodes 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Graphs 701,278 N/A 1.00 0.00 1 1
Statements 80,646,970 N/A 115.00 0.00 115 115
Literals 8,516,050 704,202 12.14 0.69 10 13
Simple literals 1,402,556 2 2.00 0.00 2 2
Datatype literals 7,113,494 704,200 10.14 0.69 8 11
Language literals 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
Quoted triples 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Subjects 21,038,340 N/A 30.00 0.00 30 30
Predicates 8,415,336 N/A 12.00 0.00 12 12
Objects 39,372,282 N/A 56.14 0.69 54 57

Statistics for 100K distributions

  • Title: Statistics for 100K distributions
Sum Unique Mean St. dev. Min. Max.
IRIs 6,500,000 1,800,107 65.00 0.00 65 65
Blank nodes 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Graphs 100,000 N/A 1.00 0.00 1 1
Statements 11,500,000 N/A 115.00 0.00 115 115
Literals 1,205,786 102,024 12.06 0.61 10 13
Simple literals 200,000 2 2.00 0.00 2 2
Datatype literals 1,005,786 102,022 10.06 0.61 8 11
Language literals 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
Quoted triples 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Subjects 3,000,000 N/A 30.00 0.00 30 30
Predicates 1,200,000 N/A 12.00 0.00 12 12
Objects 5,605,786 N/A 56.06 0.61 54 57

Statistics for 10K distributions

  • Title: Statistics for 10K distributions
Sum Unique Mean St. dev. Min. Max.
IRIs 650,000 180,046 65.00 0.00 65 65
Blank nodes 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Graphs 10,000 N/A 1.00 0.00 1 1
Statements 1,150,000 N/A 115.00 0.00 115 115
Literals 120,737 10,801 12.07 0.60 10 13
Simple literals 20,000 2 2.00 0.00 2 2
Datatype literals 100,737 10,799 10.07 0.60 8 11
Language literals 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0
Quoted triples 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Subjects 300,000 N/A 30.00 0.00 30 30
Predicates 120,000 N/A 12.00 0.00 12 12
Objects 560,737 N/A 56.07 0.60 54 57