assist-iot-weather-graphs (1.0.1)
This is a timestamped stream of weather data collected with a Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station installed on the building of the Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences. The data was collected during the ASSIST-IoT Horizon 2020 project. The station measured several different weather parameters and transmitted them in real time at regular intervals. The measurements have rich annotations with the SOSA/SSN and OM 2.0 ontologies. The stream is very regular and the elements only differ by numeric values and timestamps. This is the graph variant, which is a timestamped graph stream compatible with the RSP Data Model.
The dataset is a real application of RDF streaming (originally streamed over MQTT), with much richer annotations than citypulse-traffic. On the other hand, it is perfectly regular, with no differences in structure between stream elements.
Download this metadata in RDF: Turtle, N-Triples, RDF/XML, Jelly
Source repository: assist-iot-weather-graphs
Stream preview (click to expand)
@prefix aiot: <> .
@prefix aiot_p2: <> .
@prefix geosparql: <> .
@prefix om: <> .
@prefix pilot: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sosa: <> .
@prefix ssn: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
prov:atTime "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .
<> {
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "71"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:percent;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .
a sosa:FeatureOfInterest;
rdfs:label "Outside conditions on the worksite" .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:AverageWindSpeed , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "30.651"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit aiot_p2:inchHg;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .
pilot:sensor a sosa:Sensor;
rdfs:label "Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station installed on the pilot site";
geosparql:hasGeometry <> .
a sosa:ObservableProperty , om:RelativeHumidity;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot_p2:SolarIrradiance , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:UvIndex , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "224"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:degree;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "0"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:wattPerSquareMetre;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot_p2:AtmosphericPressure , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "54.4"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:degreeFahrenheit;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "0.0"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit aiot_p2:inchPerHour;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "3"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:mile-StatutePerHour;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:WindDirection , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:WindSpeed , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:ObservableProperty , om:FahrenheitTemperature;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:36:37.065535"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "0"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:one;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot_p2:RainRate , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "4"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:mile-StatutePerHour;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a geosparql:Geometry;
geosparql:asWKT "Point(20.9403853 52.2455635)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral .
@prefix aiot: <> .
@prefix aiot_p2: <> .
@prefix geosparql: <> .
@prefix om: <> .
@prefix pilot: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sosa: <> .
@prefix ssn: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
prov:atTime "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .
<> {
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "71"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:percent;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .
a sosa:FeatureOfInterest;
rdfs:label "Outside conditions on the worksite" .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:AverageWindSpeed , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "30.651"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit aiot_p2:inchHg;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .
pilot:sensor a sosa:Sensor;
rdfs:label "Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station installed on the pilot site";
geosparql:hasGeometry <> .
a sosa:ObservableProperty , om:RelativeHumidity;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot_p2:SolarIrradiance , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:UvIndex , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "247"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:degree;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "0"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:wattPerSquareMetre;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot_p2:AtmosphericPressure , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "54.4"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:degreeFahrenheit;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "0.0"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit aiot_p2:inchPerHour;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "3"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:mile-StatutePerHour;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:WindDirection , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:WindSpeed , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:ObservableProperty , om:FahrenheitTemperature;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:38:17.887808"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "0"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:one;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot_p2:RainRate , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "4"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:mile-StatutePerHour;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a geosparql:Geometry;
geosparql:asWKT "Point(20.9403853 52.2455635)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral .
@prefix aiot: <> .
@prefix aiot_p2: <> .
@prefix geosparql: <> .
@prefix om: <> .
@prefix pilot: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sosa: <> .
@prefix ssn: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
prov:atTime "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .
<> {
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "72"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:percent;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .
a sosa:FeatureOfInterest;
rdfs:label "Outside conditions on the worksite" .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:AverageWindSpeed , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "30.656"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit aiot_p2:inchHg;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .
pilot:sensor a sosa:Sensor;
rdfs:label "Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station installed on the pilot site";
geosparql:hasGeometry <> .
a sosa:ObservableProperty , om:RelativeHumidity;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot_p2:SolarIrradiance , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:UvIndex , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "265"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:degree;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "0"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:wattPerSquareMetre;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot_p2:AtmosphericPressure , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "54.2"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:degreeFahrenheit;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "0.0"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit aiot_p2:inchPerHour;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "4"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:mile-StatutePerHour;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:WindDirection , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:WindSpeed , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:ObservableProperty , om:FahrenheitTemperature;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T15:53:25.185054"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "0"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:one;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot_p2:RainRate , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "3"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:mile-StatutePerHour;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a geosparql:Geometry;
geosparql:asWKT "Point(20.9403853 52.2455635)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral .
@prefix aiot: <> .
@prefix aiot_p2: <> .
@prefix geosparql: <> .
@prefix om: <> .
@prefix pilot: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sosa: <> .
@prefix ssn: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
prov:atTime "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .
<> {
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "76"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:percent;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .
a sosa:FeatureOfInterest;
rdfs:label "Outside conditions on the worksite" .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:AverageWindSpeed , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "30.646"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit aiot_p2:inchHg;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .
pilot:sensor a sosa:Sensor;
rdfs:label "Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station installed on the pilot site";
geosparql:hasGeometry <> .
a sosa:ObservableProperty , om:RelativeHumidity;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot_p2:SolarIrradiance , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:UvIndex , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "282"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:degree;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "0"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:wattPerSquareMetre;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot_p2:AtmosphericPressure , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "52.2"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:degreeFahrenheit;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "0.0"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit aiot_p2:inchPerHour;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "8"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:mile-StatutePerHour;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:WindDirection , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:WindSpeed , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:ObservableProperty , om:FahrenheitTemperature;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-02T18:24:36.995968"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "0"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:one;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot_p2:RainRate , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "9"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:mile-StatutePerHour;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a geosparql:Geometry;
geosparql:asWKT "Point(20.9403853 52.2455635)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral .
@prefix aiot: <> .
@prefix aiot_p2: <> .
@prefix geosparql: <> .
@prefix om: <> .
@prefix pilot: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sosa: <> .
@prefix ssn: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
prov:atTime "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .
<> {
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "80"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:percent;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .
a sosa:FeatureOfInterest;
rdfs:label "Outside conditions on the worksite" .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:AverageWindSpeed , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "30.966"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit aiot_p2:inchHg;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .
pilot:sensor a sosa:Sensor;
rdfs:label "Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station installed on the pilot site";
geosparql:hasGeometry <> .
a sosa:ObservableProperty , om:RelativeHumidity;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot_p2:SolarIrradiance , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:UvIndex , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "289"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:degree;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "0"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:wattPerSquareMetre;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot_p2:AtmosphericPressure , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "39.1"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:degreeFahrenheit;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "0.0"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit aiot_p2:inchPerHour;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "3"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:mile-StatutePerHour;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:WindDirection , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot_p2:WindSpeed , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:ObservableProperty , om:FahrenheitTemperature;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .
a sosa:Observation;
sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest <>;
sosa:madeBySensor pilot:sensor;
sosa:observedProperty <>;
sosa:resultTime "2023-01-03T19:36:38.582870"^^xsd:dateTime .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "0"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:one;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a aiot_p2:RainRate , sosa:ObservableProperty;
ssn:isPropertyOf <> .
a aiot:MeasureResult;
om:hasNumericalValue "5"^^xsd:float;
om:hasUnit om:mile-StatutePerHour;
sosa:isResultOf <> .
a geosparql:Geometry;
geosparql:asWKT "Point(20.9403853 52.2455635)"^^geosparql:wktLiteral .
General information
- Title: ASSIST-IoT weather (graphs variant) (en)
- Identifier:
- Has version: 1.0.1
- Theme:
- Data collection (eurovoc:6030)
- Internet of Things (eurovoc:c_b12a760a)
- Meteorology (eurovoc:1892)
- Spatial data (eurovoc:c_7a168de0)
- Creator:
- Piotr Sowiński (1)
- Name: Piotr Sowiński
- Nickname: Ostrzyciel
- Homepage:
- ASSIST-IoT Horizon 2020 project (2)
- Name: ASSIST-IoT Horizon 2020 project
- Homepage:
- Comment: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957258.
- Piotr Sowiński (1)
- License:
- Date Issued: 2023-05-04
- Date Modified: 2024-05-30
- Landing page: assist-iot-weather-graphs (1.0.1)
- Conforms To: Metadata (
Technical metadata
- Has stream type usage:
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of RDF datasets, each containing exactly one named graph corresponding to a set of measurements from the weather station. The named graphs are annotated with the timestamp property. (en)
- Has stream type: Timestamped RDF named graph stream (stax:timestampedNamedGraphStream)
- RDF stream type usage (2)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a flattened stream of quads. (en)
- Has stream type: Flat RDF quad stream (stax:flatQuadStream)
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Has stream element count: 701,278
- Has stream element split:
- Type: Stream elements split by time (rb:TimeStreamElementSplit)
- Has temporal property:
- Comment: Each stream element corresponds to one set of measurements from the weather station. Data was collected every 10 seconds. (en)
- Uses vocabulary:
- Conforms to W3C RDF 1.1 specification: yes
- Conforms to W3C RDF-star draft specification as of December 17, 2021: yes
- Uses generalized triples: no
- Uses generalized RDF datasets: no
- Uses RDF-star: no
- Temporal resolution: PT10S
- Language:
Full stream distribution
- Title: Full stream distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of RDF datasets, each containing exactly one named graph corresponding to a set of measurements from the weather station. The named graphs are annotated with the timestamp property. (en)
- Has stream type: Timestamped RDF named graph stream (stax:timestampedNamedGraphStream)
- Has distribution type:
- Full distribution (rb:fullDistribution)
- Stream distribution (rb:streamDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 701,278
- Byte size: 93.76 MB
- Media type: application/trig
- Packaging format: application/tar
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Checksum:
- Checksum (1)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_md5 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_md5)
- Checksum (2)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_sha1 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_sha1)
- Checksum (1)
- Download URL:
- Statistics: statistics-full
Full Jelly distribution
- Title: Full Jelly distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of RDF datasets, each containing exactly one named graph corresponding to a set of measurements from the weather station. The named graphs are annotated with the timestamp property. (en)
- Has stream type: Timestamped RDF named graph stream (stax:timestampedNamedGraphStream)
- RDF stream type usage (2)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a flattened stream of quads. (en)
- Has stream type: Flat RDF quad stream (stax:flatQuadStream)
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Has distribution type:
- Full distribution (rb:fullDistribution)
- Jelly distribution (rb:jellyDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 701,278
- Byte size: 47.71 MB
- Media type: application/x-jelly-rdf
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Checksum:
- Checksum (1)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_md5 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_md5)
- Checksum (2)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_sha1 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_sha1)
- Checksum (1)
- Download URL:
- Statistics: statistics-full
Full flat distribution
- Title: Full flat distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a flattened stream of quads. (en)
- Has stream type: Flat RDF quad stream (stax:flatQuadStream)
- Has distribution type:
- Flat distribution (rb:flatDistribution)
- Full distribution (rb:fullDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 701,278
- Byte size: 353.01 MB
- Media type: application/n-quads
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Checksum:
- Checksum (1)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_md5 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_md5)
- Checksum (2)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_sha1 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_sha1)
- Checksum (1)
- Download URL:
- Statistics: statistics-full
100K elements stream distribution
- Title: 100K elements stream distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of RDF datasets, each containing exactly one named graph corresponding to a set of measurements from the weather station. The named graphs are annotated with the timestamp property. (en)
- Has stream type: Timestamped RDF named graph stream (stax:timestampedNamedGraphStream)
- Has distribution type:
- Partial distribution (rb:partialDistribution)
- Stream distribution (rb:streamDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 100,000
- Byte size: 13.36 MB
- Media type: application/trig
- Packaging format: application/tar
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Checksum:
- Checksum (1)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_md5 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_md5)
- Checksum (2)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_sha1 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_sha1)
- Checksum (1)
- Download URL:
- Statistics: statistics-100k
100K elements Jelly distribution
- Title: 100K elements Jelly distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of RDF datasets, each containing exactly one named graph corresponding to a set of measurements from the weather station. The named graphs are annotated with the timestamp property. (en)
- Has stream type: Timestamped RDF named graph stream (stax:timestampedNamedGraphStream)
- RDF stream type usage (2)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a flattened stream of quads. (en)
- Has stream type: Flat RDF quad stream (stax:flatQuadStream)
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Has distribution type:
- Jelly distribution (rb:jellyDistribution)
- Partial distribution (rb:partialDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 100,000
- Byte size: 6.79 MB
- Media type: application/x-jelly-rdf
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Checksum:
- Checksum (1)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_md5 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_md5)
- Checksum (2)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_sha1 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_sha1)
- Checksum (1)
- Download URL:
- Statistics: statistics-100k
100K elements flat distribution
- Title: 100K elements flat distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a flattened stream of quads. (en)
- Has stream type: Flat RDF quad stream (stax:flatQuadStream)
- Has distribution type:
- Flat distribution (rb:flatDistribution)
- Partial distribution (rb:partialDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 100,000
- Byte size: 50.34 MB
- Media type: application/n-quads
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Checksum:
- Checksum (1)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_md5 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_md5)
- Checksum (2)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_sha1 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_sha1)
- Checksum (1)
- Download URL:
- Statistics: statistics-100k
10K elements stream distribution
- Title: 10K elements stream distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of RDF datasets, each containing exactly one named graph corresponding to a set of measurements from the weather station. The named graphs are annotated with the timestamp property. (en)
- Has stream type: Timestamped RDF named graph stream (stax:timestampedNamedGraphStream)
- Has distribution type:
- Partial distribution (rb:partialDistribution)
- Stream distribution (rb:streamDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 10,000
- Byte size: 1.34 MB
- Media type: application/trig
- Packaging format: application/tar
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Checksum:
- Checksum (1)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_md5 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_md5)
- Checksum (2)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_sha1 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_sha1)
- Checksum (1)
- Download URL:
- Statistics: statistics-10k
10K elements Jelly distribution
- Title: 10K elements Jelly distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a flattened stream of quads. (en)
- Has stream type: Flat RDF quad stream (stax:flatQuadStream)
- RDF stream type usage (2)
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of RDF datasets, each containing exactly one named graph corresponding to a set of measurements from the weather station. The named graphs are annotated with the timestamp property. (en)
- Has stream type: Timestamped RDF named graph stream (stax:timestampedNamedGraphStream)
- RDF stream type usage (1)
- Has distribution type:
- Jelly distribution (rb:jellyDistribution)
- Partial distribution (rb:partialDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 10,000
- Byte size: 703.29 KB
- Media type: application/x-jelly-rdf
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Checksum:
- Checksum (1)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_md5 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_md5)
- Checksum (2)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_sha1 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_sha1)
- Checksum (1)
- Download URL:
- Statistics: statistics-10k
10K elements flat distribution
- Title: 10K elements flat distribution
- Identifier:
- Has file name:
- Has stream type usage:
- Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
- Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a flattened stream of quads. (en)
- Has stream type: Flat RDF quad stream (stax:flatQuadStream)
- Has distribution type:
- Flat distribution (rb:flatDistribution)
- Partial distribution (rb:partialDistribution)
- Has stream element count: 10,000
- Byte size: 5.04 MB
- Media type: application/n-quads
- Compression format: application/gzip
- Checksum:
- Checksum (1)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_md5 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_md5)
- Checksum (2)
- Type: Checksum (spdx:Checksum)
- ChecksumValue:
- Algorithm: ChecksumAlgorithm_sha1 (spdx:checksumAlgorithm_sha1)
- Checksum (1)
- Download URL:
- Statistics: statistics-10k
Statistics for full distributions
- Title: Statistics for full distributions
Sum | Unique | Mean | St. dev. | Min. | Max. | |
IRIs | 46,985,626 | 701,333 | 67.00 | 0.00 | 67 | 67 |
Blank nodes | 0 | N/A | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 |
Graphs | 1,402,556 | N/A | 2.00 | 0.00 | 2 | 2 |
Statements | 81,348,248 | N/A | 116.00 | 0.00 | 116 | 116 |
Literals | 8,516,050 | 704,202 | 12.14 | 0.69 | 10 | 13 |
Simple literals | 1,402,556 | 2 | 2.00 | 0.00 | 2 | 2 |
Datatype literals | 7,113,494 | 704,200 | 10.14 | 0.69 | 8 | 11 |
Language literals | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 |
Quoted triples | 0 | N/A | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 |
Subjects | 21,739,618 | N/A | 31.00 | 0.00 | 31 | 31 |
Predicates | 9,116,614 | N/A | 13.00 | 0.00 | 13 | 13 |
Objects | 39,372,282 | N/A | 56.14 | 0.69 | 54 | 57 |
Statistics for 100K distributions
- Title: Statistics for 100K distributions
Sum | Unique | Mean | St. dev. | Min. | Max. | |
IRIs | 6,700,000 | 100,071 | 67.00 | 0.00 | 67 | 67 |
Blank nodes | 0 | N/A | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 |
Graphs | 200,000 | N/A | 2.00 | 0.00 | 2 | 2 |
Statements | 11,600,000 | N/A | 116.00 | 0.00 | 116 | 116 |
Literals | 1,205,786 | 102,024 | 12.06 | 0.61 | 10 | 13 |
Simple literals | 200,000 | 2 | 2.00 | 0.00 | 2 | 2 |
Datatype literals | 1,005,786 | 102,022 | 10.06 | 0.61 | 8 | 11 |
Language literals | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 |
Quoted triples | 0 | N/A | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 |
Subjects | 3,100,000 | N/A | 31.00 | 0.00 | 31 | 31 |
Predicates | 1,300,000 | N/A | 13.00 | 0.00 | 13 | 13 |
Objects | 5,605,786 | N/A | 56.06 | 0.61 | 54 | 57 |
Statistics for 10K distributions
- Title: Statistics for 10K distributions
Sum | Unique | Mean | St. dev. | Min. | Max. | |
IRIs | 670,000 | 10,066 | 67.00 | 0.00 | 67 | 67 |
Blank nodes | 0 | N/A | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 |
Graphs | 20,000 | N/A | 2.00 | 0.00 | 2 | 2 |
Statements | 1,160,000 | N/A | 116.00 | 0.00 | 116 | 116 |
Literals | 120,737 | 10,801 | 12.07 | 0.60 | 10 | 13 |
Simple literals | 20,000 | 2 | 2.00 | 0.00 | 2 | 2 |
Datatype literals | 100,737 | 10,799 | 10.07 | 0.60 | 8 | 11 |
Language literals | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 |
Quoted triples | 0 | N/A | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 |
Subjects | 310,000 | N/A | 31.00 | 0.00 | 31 | 31 |
Predicates | 130,000 | N/A | 13.00 | 0.00 | 13 | 13 |
Objects | 560,737 | N/A | 56.07 | 0.60 | 54 | 57 |