stream-ts-named-graphs (2.0.0)
Streaming timestamped named graphs (RDF 1.1 standard only)
General information
- Title: Streaming timestamped named graphs (standard) (en)
- Identifier:
- Has version: 2.0.0
- In benchmark category: stream (2.0.0)
- Is subset of profile:
- stream-datasets (2.0.0)
- stream-datasets-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-datasets-rdfstar (2.0.0)
- stream-datasets-rdfstar-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-mixed (2.0.0)
- stream-mixed-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-mixed-rdfstar (2.0.0)
- stream-mixed-rdfstar-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-named-graphs (2.0.0)
- stream-named-graphs-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-named-graphs-rdfstar (2.0.0)
- stream-named-graphs-rdfstar-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-ts-named-graphs-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- stream-ts-named-graphs-rdfstar (2.0.0)
- stream-ts-named-graphs-rdfstar-nonstandard (2.0.0)
- Includes dataset:
- In suite: RiverBench (2.0.0)
Technical metadata
- Has dataset shape:
- Property:
- Property (1)
- Has value: Timestamped RDF named graph stream (stax:timestampedNamedGraphStream)
- Path:
- Has stream type (stax:hasStreamType)
- Has stream type usage (stax:hasStreamTypeUsage)
- Path (3)
- Zero or more path:
- Property (2)
- Has value: yes
- Path: Conforms to W3C RDF 1.1 specification (rb:conformsToRdf11)
- Property (1)
- Target class: RiverBench dataset (rb:Dataset)
- Property:
- Has distribution shape:
- Or:
- Or (1)
- Property:
- Has value: Stream distribution (rb:streamDistribution)
- Path: Has distribution type (rb:hasDistributionType)
- Property:
- Or (2)
- Property:
- Has value: Jelly distribution (rb:jellyDistribution)
- Path: Has distribution type (rb:hasDistributionType)
- Property:
- Or (1)
- Target class: RiverBench dataset distribution (rb:Distribution)
- Or:
Download links
Below you will find links to download the profile's datasets in different lengths.
Some datasets are shorter than others and a given distribution may not be available for all datasets. In that case, a link to the longest available distribution of the dataset is provided.
For stream profiles, there are two available types of distributions: plain streaming, and streaming in the Jelly format. See the documentation for details.
Plain streaming distributions
Dataset | 10K | 100K | 1M | Full |
assist-iot-weather-graphs | 10K (1.34 MB) | 100K (13.36 MB) | Full (93.76 MB) | Full (93.76 MB) |
citypulse-traffic-graphs | 10K (2.04 MB) | 100K (20.61 MB) | 1M (204.36 MB) | Full (898.99 MB) |
Jelly streaming distributions
Dataset | 10K | 100K | 1M | Full |
assist-iot-weather-graphs | 10K (703.29 KB) | 100K (6.79 MB) | Full (47.71 MB) | Full (47.71 MB) |
citypulse-traffic-graphs | 10K (3.27 MB) | 100K (32.91 MB) | 1M (330.27 MB) | Full (1.42 GB) |