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Stable: 2.1.0

RiverBench logo

RiverBench (2.1.0)

RiverBench is an open, community-driven RDF streaming benchmark suite. It includes a varied collection of datasets and tasks, representing many real-life use cases.

  • Benchmark task definitions

    RiverBench gathers benchmark tasks for testing streaming and non-streaming RDF systems

    Getting started

  • Diverse, validated datasets

    RiverBench collects real-life, rigourously validated datasets for a wide range of use cases, in easy-to-use formats


  • Community-driven

    You can contribute new datasets, tasks, or edit any part of RiverBench


  • Repository of benchmark results

    Anyone can report their benchmark results – we collect, organize, and showcase them

    Benchmark results

  • Machine-readable RDF metadata

    Everything has extensive RDF metadata, for easy integration with other tools

    Metadata documentation

  • Open licenses

    All parts of RiverBench are clearly licensed and you can reuse them for any purpose


Not sure where to start? Check out the quick start guide first. Alternatively, you can explore the following sections:


Download this metadata in RDF: Turtle, N-Triples, RDF/XML, Jelly
Permanent URL:

A complete dump of all metadata in RiverBench (without benchmark results) is available:
Turtle, N-Triples, RDF/XML, Jelly
A dump including community-contributed benchmark results (via nanopublications) is also available:
TriG, N-Quads, Jelly

General information


RiverBench logo as a painting

Impression of RiverBench generated with DALL-E.