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Stable: 1.0.3

Dataset: muziekweb (1.0.3)

The dataset consists of the main graph of Muziekweb, a high-quality Dutch knowledge base about music, containing information about artists, CD, LPs, and more. The knowledge base is richly annotated and contains plentiful links to external resources.


Download this metadata in RDF: Turtle, N-Triples, RDF/XML, Jelly
Source repository: dataset-muziekweb
Permanent URL:

Go to download links

Stream preview (click to expand)
        a                        <>;
                "Listen to \"Lukas Passion 1748\" on \"Spotify\""@nl;
        <>  ""^^<>;
                "Spotify" .
        a                              <>;
                "order ‘Odeon 10/14’ from BERTUS"@nl;
        <>  "BERTUS";
                "324062" .
        a                              <>;
                "order ‘Shi qing, hua yi’ from UNIVERSAL - DIGITAL"@nl;
        <>  "UNIVERSAL - DIGITAL";
                "602517321144" .
        a                        <>;
                "Listen to \"Iberia\" on \"Spotify\""@nl;
        <>  ""^^<>;
                "Spotify" .
        a                              <>;
                "order ‘Chicken rhythm ; vol.2’ from SOUND PRODUCTS"@nl;
        <>  "SOUND PRODUCTS";
                "LP 3055" .

General information

Technical metadata

  • Has stream type usage:
    • RDF stream type usage (1)
    • RDF stream type usage (2)
      • Type: RDF stream type usage (stax:RdfStreamTypeUsage)
      • Comment: The dataset can be viewed as a stream of graphs corresponding to items in the knowledge base. Each graph is uniquely identified by its subject IRI. (en)
      • Has stream type: RDF subject graph stream (stax:subjectGraphStream)
  • Has stream element count: 2,450,357
  • Has stream element split:
    • Type: Stream elements split by topic (rb:TopicStreamElementSplit)
    • Comment: Each stream element corresponds to a different item in the knowledge base. The size of elements varies depending on how much information is there on a given item. (en)
    • Has subject shape:
      • Has subject shape (1)
        • Comment: Target instances of any class. (en)
        • Target subjects of: Type (rdf:type)
      • Has subject shape (2)
  • Uses vocabulary:
  • Conforms to W3C RDF 1.1 specification: yes
  • Conforms to W3C RDF-star draft specification as of December 17, 2021: yes
  • Uses generalized triples: no
  • Uses generalized RDF datasets: no
  • Uses RDF-star: no
  • Language: nl


The dataset is published in a few size variants, each containing a specific number of stream elements. For each size, there are three distribution types available: flat (just an N-Triples/N-Quads file), streaming (a .tar.gz archive with Turtle/TriG files, one file per stream element), and Jelly (a native binary format for streaming RDF). See the documentation for more details.

Distribution size Statements Flat Streaming Jelly
10K 51,721 860.1 KB 861.0 KB 765.2 KB
100K 517,454 8.4 MB 8.4 MB 7.8 MB
1M 6,916,692 91.6 MB 87.3 MB 85.5 MB
Full 36,195,263 299.9 MB 251.8 MB 297.6 MB

The full metadata of all distributions can be found below.

Full stream distribution

Full Jelly distribution

Full flat distribution

1M elements stream distribution

1M elements Jelly distribution

1M elements flat distribution

100K elements stream distribution

100K elements Jelly distribution

100K elements flat distribution

10K elements stream distribution

10K elements Jelly distribution

10K elements flat distribution


Statistics for full distributions

  • Title: Statistics for full distributions
Sum Unique (approx.) Mean St. dev. Min. Max.
IRIs 44,452,562 3,453,225 18.14 18.46 3 6,638
Blank nodes 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Objects 34,132,733 7,983,600 13.93 16.91 1 6,659
Graphs 2,450,357 1 1.00 0.00 1 1
Statements 36,195,263 N/A 14.77 17.50 1 6,660
Literals 15,040,430 4,895,817 6.14 5.00 0 338
Simple literals 4,975,319 2,229,827 2.03 0.91 0 336
Datatype literals 5,383,476 1,132,123 2.20 3.03 0 7
Language literals 4,681,635 1,533,823 1.91 2.04 0 12
ASCII control chars 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Quoted triples 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Subjects 2,450,357 2,450,166 1.00 0.00 1 1
Predicates 22,909,902 46 9.35 6.79 1 25

Statistics for 1M distributions

  • Title: Statistics for 1M distributions
Sum Unique (approx.) Mean St. dev. Min. Max.
IRIs 9,658,163 1,110,239 9.66 7.13 3 57
Blank nodes 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Objects 6,705,922 2,483,256 6.71 6.08 1 50
Graphs 1,000,000 1 1.00 0.00 1 1
Statements 6,916,692 N/A 6.92 6.56 1 52
Literals 4,125,961 2,300,962 4.13 2.56 0 18
Simple literals 2,136,904 1,086,807 2.14 0.89 0 10
Datatype literals 783,604 386,853 0.78 1.71 0 7
Language literals 1,205,453 827,230 1.21 1.07 0 8
ASCII control chars 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Quoted triples 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Subjects 1,000,000 999,982 1.00 0.00 1 1
Predicates 6,078,202 33 6.08 3.60 1 24

Statistics for 100K distributions

  • Title: Statistics for 100K distributions
Sum Unique (approx.) Mean St. dev. Min. Max.
IRIs 778,178 110,452 7.78 1.38 5 9
Blank nodes 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Objects 509,516 252,585 5.10 0.96 3 14
Graphs 100,000 1 1.00 0.00 1 1
Statements 517,454 N/A 5.17 1.01 3 14
Literals 345,232 242,134 3.45 0.60 2 12
Simple literals 219,197 118,937 2.19 0.88 1 9
Datatype literals 33,557 33,413 0.34 0.47 0 1
Language literals 92,478 89,792 0.92 0.29 0 3
ASCII control chars 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Quoted triples 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Subjects 100,000 100,008 1.00 0.00 1 1
Predicates 513,894 10 5.14 0.93 3 6

Statistics for 10K distributions

  • Title: Statistics for 10K distributions
Sum Unique (approx.) Mean St. dev. Min. Max.
IRIs 77,802 12,476 7.78 1.38 5 9
Blank nodes 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Objects 50,942 27,098 5.09 0.96 3 10
Graphs 10,000 1 1.00 0.00 1 1
Statements 51,721 N/A 5.17 1.01 3 11
Literals 34,504 24,637 3.45 0.60 2 8
Simple literals 21,909 12,109 2.19 0.87 1 6
Datatype literals 3,332 3,332 0.33 0.47 0 1
Language literals 9,263 9,194 0.93 0.29 0 2
ASCII control chars 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Quoted triples 0 N/A 0.00 0.00 0 0
Subjects 10,000 10,000 1.00 0.00 1 1
Predicates 51,364 10 5.14 0.93 3 6