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Stable: 2.1.0

Working with benchmark categories

Benchmark categories are collections of benchmark tasks and profiles. Within a category, each task may be used with any of the profiles defined for that category. The profiles are collections of datasets, grouped by shared technical characteristics (e.g., stream type, whether RDF-star is used or not).

Creating a benchmark category

  • Pick a name for the category – it must be a single word, lowercase, without hyphens or underscores.
  • Create a new issue (unless already present) in the issue tracker. In the issue specify what datasets and tasks will the category entail.
  • Create a new repository for the category named category-[IDENTIFIER], using the category-template repo as the template.
  • Fill out the metadata.ttl file for the category, apply any other changes and push them.
  • Go to the admin's Personal Access Token settings.
    • Edit the "Dispatch: dataset-to-category update" token.
    • For the token, add access to the new category repo.
  • Go to the organization secret settings. For secrets PAT_DOC_REPO_HOOKS and PAT_MAIN_REPO_HOOKS add repository access for the new category repository.
  • In the main repository:
    • Create a new branch for the proposal issue.
    • In the new branch run git submodule add ../category-[ID] categories/[ID]
    • Commit, push, and merge the branch to main.
  • Re-run the CI in the category repo to check if it passes correctly.

See also