How to contribute?
Hi there!
RiverBench is an open, community-driven project, so you are more than welcome to contribute. This page explains how to do it.
Reporting benchmark results
If you have run a benchmark using RiverBench's datasets or tasks, we highly encourage you to share your results. After filling out a simple form, your benchmark run will be listed on the RiverBench website (along with proper citation, of course) in a machine- and human-readable format. See our dedicated brief guide on reporting benchmark results for more details.
Contributing datasets
Do you have an interesting RDF dataset that would make a good addition to RiverBench? Great!
What datasets are we looking for?
- Freely licensed – the dataset must be licensed under a free license, such as CC0, CC BY, or CC BY-SA. The license must allow commercial use and derivative works.
- Somewhat streaming in nature – streaming comes in many shapes and sizes. Have a look at the existing datasets – we have streams of timestamped weather data, but also a stream of fact annotations in Wikidata. The important thing is that the dataset must be explicitly split into discrete elements.
- Interesting technically – we are especially interested in expanding the coverage of the rarer types of streams, such as those using RDF-star, generalized triples, or quads. Other interesting types of datasets include those that use RDF in atypical ways, like with large GeoSPARQL literals or dense vector embeddings. Anything exotic is welcome!
- Interesting thematically and relevant – does your dataset bring an interesting new use case? Perfect! Even better if the use case has seen real-world usage.
- Large – the stream must be at least 10 thousand elements long, preferably more. The larger the better.
If you think your dataset fits the bill, have a look at the dedicated guide on creating new datasets. If you still have questions, don't hesitate to contact RiverBench's maintainer by opening an issue on GitHub.
Contributing benchmark tasks
Do you want to share your benchmarking procedure with the world? Publishing it in RiverBench will give your task a permanent URI and make it easy to reference in papers and other publications. Others will also have the chance to contribute their results and notes about conducting the benchmark.
Reporting issues
Found a bug in a dataset or the metadata? Or in something else entirely? Feel free to open an issue on GitHub. Please try to be as specific as possible on your issue, so that it can be resolved quickly.
Improving the documentation
You can easily edit the documentation on this website – see the dedicated guide for more details.
Improving the code or metadata
Have a look at our GitHub organization page and the repositories there. Some important ones are:
- RiverBench – the main repository
- – the repository for the website
- schema – schemas and ontologies
- ci-worker – source for the application that packages datasets, munges metadata, and generates documentation (Scala)
- ci-workflows – GitHub Actions workflows for the CI
- dataset-template – template repository for new datasets
You are welcome to submit any pull requests to these repositories. If you are unsure where to submit your changes, feel free to open an issue and ask.
Deeper changes
Do you see a glaring issue with the way RiverBench is organized? Or maybe you have a great idea for a new feature? Please contact the maintainer directly: Piotr Sowiński (Ostrzyciel) by following the contact info on his profile page. We are open to any collaboration.