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Stable: 2.1.0

Licensing and citation

  • The metadata, documentation, and ontologies of RiverBench (everything you see on the website) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
  • The included datasets are licensed under their respective licenses, which are listed in the dataset metadata and documentation.
    • All datasets are under free licenses, but their specific conditions vary. Some datasets are in the public domain, some are under CC0, some are under CC BY, and some are under CC BY-SA, or similar licenses.
    • All dataset licenses must allow for commercial use, redistribution, and modification.
  • The source code of RiverBench is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Attribution / citation

If you use RiverBench in your research, please cite the most recent paper about the suite:

Sowinski, P., Ganzha, M., & Paprzycki, M. (2023). RiverBench: an Open RDF Streaming Benchmark Suite. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.06226.

Or use this BibTeX entry:

  title={RiverBench: an Open RDF Streaming Benchmark Suite},
  author={Sowinski, Piotr and Ganzha, Maria and Paprzycki, Marcin},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.06226},

If you use the individual datasets, if possible you should at least cite the links to their documentation pages, which contain the attribution and licensing information. If not possible, you should at least include a link to the profile or release of RiverBench that contains the datasets you used.

Remember to specify the stable version of RiverBench that you used. Using the "dev" version is not recommended, as it can change at any time. See also: Versioning and releases.

RiverBench maintainer

RiverBench was created and is maintained by Piotr Sowiński (Ostrzyciel)GitHub.