Benchmark results for task flat-rdf-store-loading
RiverBench results for task flat-rdf-store-loading with profile flat-triples
This benchmark result was reported in a Nanopublication:
The documentation here was generated automatically.
- Comment: Comparison of RDF loading time across several resource-contrained hardware platforms (Raspberry Pi 3B, 4B, and 5).
- Creator: (
- License:
- Date Created:
- Cites as data source: Sowinski, P., Le-Tuan, A., Szmeja, P., & Ganzha, M. (2024). Not All RDF is Created Equal: Investigating RDF Load Times on Resource-Constrained Devices (Version 2). arXiv.
- Has followed protocol:
- Type:
- Benchmark protocol (rb:BenchmarkProtocol)
- Protocol (irao:Protocol)
- Uses benchmark task: flat-rdf-store-loading (2.0.1)
- Uses benchmark profile: flat-triples (2.0.1)
- Uses metric:
- Load time
- Loading throughput
- Memory usage
- Storage size
- Total CPU time
- Uses system under test:
- Apache Jena TDB2 (5.0.0)
- RDF4J LMDB (4.3.11)
- RDF4J Native Store (4.3.11)
- RDF4Led (N/A)
- Virtuoso Open Source (7.2.12)
- Type:
- Has produced dataset: Sowiński, P. (2024). Benchmark results for RDF load time evaluation (RiverBench) [Data set]. Zenodo.
- Has measuring system: Sowiński, P. (2024). Benchmark code for RDF load time evaluation (RiverBench & RDF4Led) (Version v1.0.0) [Computer software]. Zenodo.