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Stable: 2.1.0

Task: Grouped RDF stream compression (2.1.0)

Task identifier: stream-compression

A benchmark task measuring the compression efficiency of serializations for grouped RDF streams.



Stream distributions of any dataset in the stream category of RiverBench may be used for this task.


The task consists of serializing RDF data in a grouped form (that is, as a stream of RDF graphs or RDF datasets) to bytes and measuring the size of the obtained representation.

In this task, the time taken to serialize and deserialize the data is not considered – see the stream-serialization-throughput and stream-deserialization-throughput tasks for that aspect.


  • The primary metric is the serialized representation size of the RDF data, in bytes.
  • Additionally, the compression ratio can be calculated as the ratio of the reference size to the compressed size. The reference size is the size of the same data serialized using a baseline method, e.g., the N-Triples serialization format.
    • In the RDF literature, the "compression ratio" is often defined as the inverse of the above definition and expressed as a percentage. For example, a compression ratio of (50%) means that the compressed data is half the size of the reference data.


See the results for this task reported by the community: RESULTS.

This task in benchmarks outside of RiverBench

  • In the paper about the Jelly streaming protocol, such a benchmark is performed in Section IV.C. The authors have measured the output size of several methods. The presented "Compression ratio" metric there refers to the ratio between the compressed data size and the reference data size, with N-Triples used as the reference.
    • Sowiński, P., Wasielewska-Michniewska, K., Ganzha, M., & Paprzycki, M. (2022, October). Efficient RDF streaming for the edge-cloud continuum. In 2022 IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.

See also



Download this metadata in RDF: Turtle, N-Triples, RDF/XML, Jelly
Source repository: category-stream
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