Schemas & ontologies
RiverBench uses a few schemas and ontologies to describe and organize its datasets and profiles.
- Metadata ontology – used for describing datasets and profiles.
- Documentation ontology – additional properties and assertions for generating documentation pages on this website.
- Shapes for validating metadata files in dataset repositories: Turtle, N-Triples, RDF/XML, Jelly
- Shapes for validating category metadata files in category repositories: Turtle, N-Triples, RDF/XML, Jelly
- Shapes for validating profile metadata files in category repositories: Turtle, N-Triples, RDF/XML, Jelly
- Shapes for validating collections of profiles (all profiles within a category) in category repositories: Turtle, N-Triples, RDF/XML, Jelly
- Shapes for validating task metadata files in category repositories: Turtle, N-Triples, RDF/XML, Jelly
The schemas and ontologies are versioned synchronously with each other, but independently of RiverBench itself. For a stable RiverBench release, the latest stable version of schemas/ontologies are used. For the development version of RiverBench, the latest development version of schemas/ontologies are used.
You can find RDF download links for each schema/ontology on its documentation page. You can also use the HTTP content negotation mechanism to retrieve the machine-readable information.